Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Am I the only one who loves local newspapers?

Seriously, nowhere else can you find such meaningless, uninteresting things being presented as something of importance.

I was reading one of the local newspapers in Jämtland when I stumbled upon this article:

In English:

"Hedgehogs Making More Hedgehogs - A Rare Picture

Not only humans are filled with excitement about spring in the beautiful but cold May weather we had the previous weekend. This Saturday, two hedgehogs started making even more hedgehogs at a house site in Valla on Frösön. Just seeing a hedgehog is getting really big, rare as they are. Seeing them pair is even bigger.

It all started with the male chasing after his female, seeming very interested. The female in turn spat and hissed when the male got too close. Just like among the humans, in other words...

When the male had worked on the persuasion for a good while, he finally got to score. The act was carried out with precision. You could only admire the male because of how he managed to find his way in the jungle of spikes. Afterwards they both laid down to rest before going at it again.

This way it continued for three or four turns before it all was over and they went one after the other to the next site.

Now we can only wait for newborn hedgehog spawn. It will be something to look forward to. Now it's just to do some research on what little hedgehogs can be fed with without getting a stomach ache. The newspaper will receive all tips with gratitude."

I just... Wow. How the hell did they actually publish that?

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha, det där var det bästa jag har läst på länge. xD Gillade "The female in turn spat and hissed when the male got too close. Just like among the humans, in other words..". Alltså... lol. xD <3
